RFPs for September 25th
Strategic Planning– The City of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, is seeking consultant services for the development of a ten-year strategic plan. The city aims for a comprehensive and participatory planning process that involves input from the Mayor, Trustees, Staff, and Citizens. The strategic planning process will encompass various activities, including interviews with key city personnel, surveys from citizens, and the preparation of draft and final reports. The city is undergoing growth and development, and with new leadership in place, it aims to review its future strategic direction through this initiative. This is an estimated budget, based on similarly sized projects for comparable organizations, unconfirmed by the issuer. Budget: $25,000. Submission Deadline: Oct 06, 2023.
Website Design– The BC Conservation Foundation’s WildSafeBC Program is seeking a professional web designer to recreate its Wildlife Alert Reporting Program (WARP) website. The new site aims to be a public-facing educational resource about human-wildlife conflicts in British Columbia. The budget for this project is $50,000, covering various aspects from software audit, site design, development, and testing, to ongoing technical support. Proposals should be submitted by October 31st, 2023, with the project starting on December 1st, 2023, and the new website launching on March 1st, 2024. Budget: $50,000. Submission Deadline: Oct 31, 2023.
Fund Development Strategy Refresh– The Sooke Fine Arts Society is seeking proposals from fundraising professionals to update and enhance their current fund development strategy. The goal is to create a 5-year strategy that aligns with modern fundraising practices, aiming to develop new revenue streams and enhance the organization’s financial stability. The project is funded by the Government of Canada and has a budget ranging from $25,000 to $30,000. The project is expected to start on November 1, 2023, and be completed by March 31, 2024. Budget: $30,000. Submission Deadline: Oct 16, 2023.
Design The Future Communications Assessment– Washington County, Oregon, is seeking proposals for a project titled “Design the Future Communications Assessment.” The purpose of this project is to assess the county’s current organizational structure and support for its communications function and recommend improvements using a “One Washington County” approach. The project will involve research, analysis, recommendations, and reporting. The county aims to better serve the public and position the organization for its public service mission. The project is expected to be completed within approximately 12 months. Budget: $40,000. Submission Deadline: Sep 29, 2023.
Web Development Services– The Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing (FCYO) is seeking an independent web developer for a website redesign. The main objectives include creating a visually appealing website that reflects their brand identity, is responsive across devices, and is optimized for speed and SEO. The project will span from January 2024 to June 2024. Proposals should be submitted via email to Kandice Head by October 12, 2023. Budget: $20,000 – $35,000. Submission Deadline: Oct 12, 2023.
Technical Assistance for Comprehensive Planning– The Lake Champlain–Lake George Regional Planning Board (LCLGRPB) is seeking proposals for technical assistance related to the Town of Johnsburg Comprehensive Plan. The services required include public engagement, GIS mapping, planning-level graphics, and document layout and formatting. The project has a budget cap of $21,000 and all tasks must be completed by March 30, 2025. Proposals can be submitted via mail, hand delivery, or email by September 29, 2023. Budget: $21,000. Submission Deadline: Sep 29, 2023.
Information Management Consultant– The Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) is seeking an Information Management Consultant’s expertise to review and optimize the organization’s information and document management system. This includes both corporate information in explicit and implicit forms. The aim is to enhance data collection, sharing, retention, retrieval, preservation, and disposal in both physical and digital formats. The consultant will be responsible for assessing current practices, identifying risks, providing recommendations, and training staff members for the new system. Budget: $10,000 – $20,000. Submission Deadline: Sep 29, 2023.
Market Validation Study – The Diverse Elders Coalition (DEC) is seeking a consultant to conduct a market validation study. The primary objectives include benchmarking fees and services for DEC’s existing training curriculum, assessing the market for a new Technical Assistance Program, and potentially developing a business plan for the same. The DEC has a unique role in advocating for diverse older adults and has been providing training on supporting diverse family caregivers. The consultant will be responsible for understanding the current market, proposing fee scales, and potentially creating a business plan if the market assessment warrants it. The budget for this project should not exceed $35,000. Budget: $35,000. Submission Deadline: September, 2023.
Baseline/Mapping Study on Sustainability Practices in Cotton Farming – We are seeking expression of interest from skilled individuals or organisations interested in guiding the Better Cotton’s implementation in Cote d’Ivoire and to measure progress and evaluate achievements in Mali, Better Cotton plans to conduct a study to assess the sustainability performance and the current practices in use by cotton farmers in both countries. Budget: $5,000 or less. Submission Deadline: October 6, 2023.
Gender and LEJ Consultant – Namati is seeking a consultant to document experiences and best practices in gender transformative approaches to grassroots land and environmental justice. The consultant will participate in virtual and in-person exchanges, document key insights, and develop a toolkit that captures challenges and best practices. The toolkit will be a multimedia resource for legal empowerment organizations. The consultant should have deep experience in gender justice, land and environmental justice, and be comfortable with multimedia resources. Budget: $10,000 – $20,000. Submission Deadline: October 6, 2023.
Direct Mail Marketing Campaign– The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, along with Zoombezi Bay and The Wilds, collectively known as CZA, is seeking proposals for direct mail membership campaigns. The objective is to increase membership sales using both postal mailings and targeted electronic communications. They are looking for a vendor to design, print, and mail four separate campaigns for each entity. The campaigns should be attractive, accessible, and relevant, targeting both lapsed members and potential prospects. The RFP emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach, including design, distribution, and analysis of the campaigns. Budget: $50,000 – $100,000. Submission Deadline: October 6, 2023.