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Here are more upcoming events you can check out.
June 16th @ 1 ET / 10 am PT
Join us for a special preview webinar for the upcoming course Foundations of Digital Advertising for Campaigns and Nonprofits. You’ll get an overview of what to expect in the course plus a few takeaway tips as we talk through each session.
June 20th @ 2 ET / 11 am PT
AI is all over our newsfeeds right now and it will shape the future of organizing and campaigning. We’ve already been engaging with AI-driven algorithms in Google Search and Facebook newsfeeds.
But we are about to see it grow into powerful tools that will help us engage people even better for good. This conversation will give you an understanding of how this will shape our future work and the tools already available.
June 22nd @ 3 ET / 12 PT
Join me for a conversation with Tudor, a co-founder of SpeechifAI, to learn about how they are scaling social engagement and conversions for organizations at scale. Their social sharing toolkits actually get used and lead to trackable engagement and conversions
The 5 Lesson Live Course for building a solid foundation for your organization’s digital advertising program.
Your organization has decided to start running digital ads —great! But how do you create an effective ad campaign that helps your organization actually reach its goals? Whether you’re planning to run ads yourself or will be working with an outside entity, this course will walk you through everything you need to know to plan and run an ad campaign.
3 days July 18th – 20th
The email for Social Impact Conference
Streaming Online & Recorded
3 days July 18th – 20th
12+ Sessions