WEBINAR > Course Preview & Tips


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Preview & Tips: Foundations of Digital Advertising for Campaigns and Nonprofits

Special preview webinar for the upcoming course, plus direct tips and key takeaways.

Brad Caldana

Founder | Center for Digital Strategy

Eileen Pollet

Founder | Ravenna Strategies

Claire Darby

Digital Strategist | Claire Darby Digital Strategies



Join us for a special preview webinar for the upcoming course Foundations of Digital Advertising for Campaigns and Nonprofits. You’ll get an overview of what to expect in the course plus a few takeaway tips as we talk through each session. The course will include and a few tips will touch on:

What you’ll learn

  • A top-level overview of the ads ecosystem to help you understand how ads can help you reach your organizational goals
  • Determining where to run ads and how much to spend
  • Creating ad content and landing pages that drive action
  • Measuring and improving the effectiveness of your ads

Whether you’re planning to run ads yourself or will be working with an outside entity, the course will walk you through everything you need to know to plan and run an ad campaign. And the instructors will be able to answer questions about the course.