Digital Strategy for Executive Directors, Leaders, & Managers
Next training: December 12th – 14th 2023
Comprehensive training for leaders of all kinds to get a more complete view of current digital strategy. After this training, you’ll be ready to make more strategic decisions to impact your organization and the issues you work on.
3 days of live online training sessions with group conversation and engagement.
This special leaders training includes three days of daily three-hour block sessions.
Sessions will run from 1 ET – 4 ET / 10am PT – 1pm PT.
Each session will feature insights and strategic thinking for how organizations can leverage digital strategy in each of these areas that are core to organizational digital strategy.
Day 1
Fundamentals of
Digital Strategy
Getting started, we will lay a framework for Digital Strategy and align on a common language. Breaking the Digital Engagement Cycle, essential elements of digital planning, and how the elements tie together. Plus a walk through of our Digital Plan template.
3 Pillars of Organizational Digital Strategy
These pillars are the foundation for any organization aiming to thrive in digital. With the rise of AI-driven analytics and data-centric campaigns, it’s crucial to have a strategic approach to digital for your organization so that you don’t just do digital things – you build and execute a digital strategy.
Audience Personas + Messaging and Reach
Getting started, we will lay a framework for Digital Strategy and align on a common language. Breaking the Digital Engagement Cycle, essential elements of digital planning, and how the elements tie together. Plus a walk through of our Digital Plan template.
Day 2
Organizational Email Strategy – Acquisition, Tracking, Engagement, and Fundraising
Email is as important as ever. But the technical side and testing are harder. We’ll talk big picture on core email areas like email acquisition, tracking, segmenting, engagement, and fundraising. That way, you can have a better view of programmatic and strategic email.
Organizational Social Media Strategy – Broad Platform Overview Networks, Potential, & Influencers
Social media has changed rapidly over the last 2 years. The old playbook many organizations have been running is broken. We’ll talk about platforms, audiences, and how to align with your strategy.
Digital Advertising – Clicks, Conversions, and What Matters
Reaching and engaging people is harder on some channels, and that makes digital ads critical to all organizations. We’ll break down the different advertising channels, understand performance, and what organizational reporting should look like.
Day 3
Organizational Text Messaging, Peer-to-Peer, Mobile friendly experiences
Text messaging continues to grow and deliver high impact. There are several essential elements for organizations to implement and thrive.
Website Strategy – Design and Development Analytics Overview
Web development and strategy continue to be a murky area of understanding. We’ll cover essentials on web development planning, strategy, and an overview of analytics.
Video Strategy and Creative Design
Video and creative strategies are critical for all digital strategy. We’ll cover some of the essential strategies and planning for these areas to make a bigger impact for your organization.
Bringing it all together in strategic planning
Returning to the Digital Plan, we’ll talk about all of the sessions tying back together for your organization’s strategy.
The essential training for Organizational Leaders to get a solid understanding of Digital Strategy.
What past attendees are saying:
Your Host
Brad Caldana
Founder, Center for Digital Strategy
Brad Caldana is the Founder of the Center for Digital Strategy and author of “The Digital Plan — Strategic guidance and planning to: Win political campaigns. Grow nonprofit organizations. Launch projects and meet goals.” For over two decades Brad has been designing and leading training for nonprofit and political organizations of all sizes around the globe. Working hands-on in roles like President Obama’s 2012 Digital Training Director, Digital Strategist, Director, Head of Engagement, and more supporting digital-centered change.
Leader – (Large Organizations $10M+ budgets) $399
Leader – (Budget $1M – 10$M) $299
Leader – (Budget under $1M) $199
Global South Leader $79