With the Digital Advertising Summit, just a week away here are a few key thoughts and tips on great digital advertising for nonprofits and social impact orgs. This space is rapidly evolving and there are some central elements that always matter and new items to learn. Influencers and creators matter. We have certainly crossed into…
What an amazing cohort of entries for this year highlighting work done in 2022. Submissions covered local, national, and international nonprofits. And entries for local and state political campaigns. We appreciate the work of every organization in these spaces and here are the winners. In the coming weeks, we’ll be highlighting images and videos from…
Watch the recording of this discussion with Emily Patterson of Bee Measure as we talk about what is coming with GA4 of Google Analytics 4 and the course she is offering called: Discussion: Get Ready for GA4 — Google Analytics 4 If you have more questions you can always email us using the email button…
The following is an except for a newsletter called Free Digital Tools, which shares two free digital tools every two weeks. Learn more and subscribe to get future issues in your inbox at freetools.digital. Free Digital Tools is run by Josh Klemons, a Digital Storyteller/Strategist and the founder of Reverbal Communications, who help progressive campaigns,…
Welcome to Mastadon. Get an overview of what Mastodon is. We know that it can be tricky to make sense of what exactly Mastadon is and how to migrate from Twitter to Mastodon. In this video, we’ll cover a number of core items. First a little mourning of the loss of the Twitter community that…
When I first wrote “The Digital Plan” I called the Digital Engagement Cycle the “The Digital Planning Engagement Cycle” as a clever use of the title. But to simplify things since we’ve updated to just The Digital Engagement Cycle. Here is a text breakdown and a video explainer. The Digital Engagement Cycle is critical to…
After more than a decade working on digital content, strategy, and organizing for a wide range of nonprofits, political campaigns, and civic groups; I see a consistent pattern emerge of three barriers to true organizational-level digital growth: strategy, capacity, and infrastructure. Currently, for far too many organizations these barriers or weaknesses work to tear down…